Fighting siblings at home is annoying and tiresome, as any parent will testify. But sibling rivalry in a business can often be downright destructive. When looking at siblings working together,…
What Sets Us Apart
Fighting siblings at home is annoying and tiresome, as any parent will testify. But sibling rivalry in a business can often be downright destructive. When looking at siblings working together,…
Members of Congress are back in legislative session this week after their lengthy summer recess. A plan to reinstate the estate tax has yet to take shape, but the upcoming…
Press Release: 09-03-2010 Media Contact: Marissa Hopkins, WealthPoint, LLC, a leading provider of succession, legacy, and life insurance planning to high net worth clients throughout the United States, has…
Family feuds can be thrilling to the public, especially if the family feuding owns a prominent business together. Reporters may come knocking if they get wind of division, trouble, or…
Regardless of how much someone is worth, the age old question “Will I run out of money?” is what can prevent a comprehensive estate or business succession plan from getting off the…
“Family first” and “business first” companies differ in the ways that the desires of the family and the needs of the business are prioritized. In most family first businesses, the…
AALU has learned that at least four attorneys in academia and private practice have written to the Treasury Department asking that a durational limit – suggested to be two generations…
WealthPoint LLC, a provider of succession planning, legacy planning and life insurance planning to high wealth clients throughout the United States, today announced it has hired five new employees. The…
Normally partners choose each other for synergistic or financial reasons. Often next generation family members have no choice. It is a “shotgun wedding.” As a family grows and the number…
Life insurers have fared well relative to banks in the recent economic meltdown and recession. Further, life insurers have fared well even when compared to historical average failure or impairment…