What Sets Us Apart
Earlier this month, the Republicans issued their plan to replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Andy Friedman, “one of the nation’s most sought-after speakers on all things political” according to…
A number of weeks ago – before the release of the Access Hollywood tape that threw Donald Trump’s campaign into turmoil – we predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the…
As the personality-fueled presidential campaign rages on, little time has been spent on how a Clinton or Trump presidency might affect the economy and the markets. Yet the candidates’ respective policy objectives…
After weeks of negotiations, Congress reached agreement on a bipartisan bill to fund the government through September 2016. Following are provisions of particular interest to investors. The legislation makes permanent…
Congress returns from recess next week facing a month-end deadline to fund government operations for the next fiscal year. I’m concerned we could be looking at a reprise of 2013….